Atsuko Kitayama
Born in Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture.
Graduated from Showa College of Music, Department of Vocal Music. After working with Shiki Theatre Company, he has worked as a chorister for many singers and talents, and also worked as a chorus vocal director and vocal coach as well as studio recording vocal coach.
After discovering Brazilian music and forming the band ‘Shaker’’, he has been active in concerts and live performances mainly with Bossa Nova live performances mainly with Bossa Nova & Samba. During his fourth stay in Brazil, which lasted 6
years, he met his idol CELIA VAZ and recorded a CD with her production, arrangements and guitar in Rio de Janeiro.
Just before returning to Japan, they performed a concert at a cultural exchange event sponsored by the
Consulate of Japan in Rio de Janeiro, which was very well received. After returning to Japan, they completed the CD
CD ‘AMIZADE’’, in which his two daughters also participated, and is currently enjoying Brazilian music through
collaborations with various musicians, live performances and teaching.